A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

A Confirming Work Psalm 90

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 8:24 AM
                                                                                                             February 23, 2012

There is a growing struggle to focus on one part of scripture each day when you find yourself reading from multiple areas of God's Word.  Today I wrestled with a portion of each part of my reading in Numbers 12, 13 and in Mark 2.  But the final word that rested on my spirit was found in Psalm 90.  Here I read a prayer of Moses that ends in verse 17, "Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands."

Mosses words are dripping with the urge to know God's wisdom and favor in the midst of his later years of life.  He is pleading even for his future generations.  Moses hones in on his understanding reguarding his limited days of life.  He's speaking from the depths of his heart as he expresses the desire to present to his God a heart of wisdom. His tone speaks as a longing for his Lords return in accompaniment with his words.

My heart today resonated with verse 17 because I hate my nature as a "fixer".  I'm wired to be busy.  I feel greatly unprofitable when I slow down so I create work for myself.  I rarely stop to think or ask whether the work of my hands is Godly.  My understanding is prefaced in my mind as work for the ministry.  I mean I work for a church so I must be doing the right things, right?  God is teaching me that ministry in my mind is not always the ministry of His heart.  I'm tired of working for work sake.  I want my hours to matter to His Kingdom, not mine.  I don't want to be driven to make a name for myself, but to make His name great.  I want to go home at the end of the day and know that the work of my hands is confirmed by the One I seek to make famous.  Yet, my heart struggles to see the fine line between my fame and His.

Lord, break my pride.  Remove the arrogance of my rebel spirit.  Help me today to understand that I am nothing without You.  Lord let my children see a man that is more concerned about a lost world than he is about his material posessions or his down time.  I want to bring down the walls that prevent people from seeing the work that You are doing in me regardless of the person they may truly see.  I know I'm imperfect and selfish.  Break that in me. Father, I love You.


Ana Schaetzle said... @ February 23, 2012 at 1:50 PM

I SOOOO relate to that! Thank you for being so transparant!

Mark G said... @ February 23, 2012 at 3:16 PM

Beautiful heart talk sounds like He is on it. :-)
Mark Goatley

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