A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

Psalm 25 & 26

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 10:11 AM
                                                                                                                            February 15, 2012

As I was reading today in my quite time I found myself reading from Lev. 25, Psalm 25-26, and Acts 22. This particular read was a bit consuming for me. Leviticus here is dealing with the year of jubilee and a great passage in Acts where Paul is stating his Damascus Road experience to the Jews in Rome. Toady, however, my heart was struck by a very simple word found in Psalm 25 and 26. That word is, integrity.

These two Psalms are written as prayers by David in a descriptive fashion calling on the protection, guidance and pardon of His Lord. Verse 19 states, "Look upon my enemies, for they are many, and they hate me with violent hatred." This falls into a long list of requests by David unto his Lord. I was struck by the boldness in his tone and the directness of his requests. Entermingled though I find, with one simple word, where his tenacity lies before His Lord. His boldness before God rests in verse 21: "Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for You." Bame! He isn't requesting the desires of his heart as some selfish child in a Walmart toy isle with expectancy because he's the Father's child. He is claiming the Father's provision as he states in Psalm 26:1, "Vindcate me, O LORD, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the LORD without wavering."

My application that I walk away with today is based on my need for integrity. Integrity is becoming a lost art in the work culture of America. We can justify just about any desision weather right or wrong based on our need for a desired outcome. If we're honest we have to admit that it happens in the church just as much. We just vail it in spiritual terms like, "God told me" or "I feel led by the Spirit to..." We use terms like "called", "led" or "sent" and make it look and feel pretty. Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. My God wants this from me. He demands this from me as His wittness.

Father guide my steps today. Convict me of the areas of my life where I seek a selfish outcome. Watch over my lips and let no evil thing come out that may defame your name. Lord I want to be set apart for your holy and acceptable work. Keep me from sitting with decitful men and as David wrote keep me from hanging with pretenters. I love you Lord.


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