A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

Acts 12:2

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 12:30 PM
                                                                                                                            February 5, 2012

Todays reading takes me on a journey through the last two chapters of Exodus, 39 and 40, and into Psalm 15. However, it's in the last portion of our reading in Acts 15 that grabs my attention.  Exodus concludes by providing great detail of the garments and construction of the tabernacle according to the instruction given by the Lord.  Psalm 15 paints a picture of a righteous citizen in the city of Zion.  Yet it's one small verse that has me thinking today.  It's Acts 12:2 that reads, "And he had James the brother of John put to death with a sword."

Just like that.  One simple verse.  No fan fare made of it and no more than one verse giving attention to it.  James the brother of John has his final moments noted in scripture by six words. This catches my attention because of the Western culture that permiates my thinking about being a follower of Christ.  I tend to think sometimes that I'm special cause I surrendered my life to the gospel ministry or that maybe God thinks I'm important to his purpose here on earth.  And then this verse appears.  James, one of the memebers of Christ's inner cirlce during his earthly ministry, is simply martyerd at the hands of Herod.  Stephen has at least two verses discribing his death in chapter 7, but the death of James shattered the illusion that somehow, the twelve enjoyed soime unique Divine protection.

Jesus never promised his followers special protection.  He never made it comfortable and even went our of His way to communicate the need to be ready for persecutuion in Matthew 10:16-26. I am part of a royal priesthood and I'm anticipating an inheritance from my King and Redeemer, but on this side of glory I'm an enemy of the lion that roams this earth roaring and seekimg to devour me.  Maybe I should be a bit more concerned when this life seems to be all to easy and the difficulties seem to fall on others while I sonter by in my pursuit of happiness (which by the way should not be my aim at all). 

Father, help me to understand what place I have in this world.  Help me to never underestimate my enemy and the hatered that he has toward You and your children.  Teach me to put on my spiritual armor on in the midst of this journey each and every day.  I love You and I want to serve You until that final moment that history closes the chapter on this child of the King.


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