A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

What's For Dinner?

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 10:14 AM
                                                                                                                                  March 1, 2012

One of my least favorite things for dinner are leftovers. I cringe when I hear the microwave ding and I hear the words, "Dinner is ready."  I'm not quite sure why that's the case other than my experience telling me that it's going to taste old or have that half cold/half hot thing going on.  Today I found out in my reading that leftovers from our Lord are not meant to be like three day old chicken and dumplings.  His favor is meant to demonstrate His lasting effect of grace and mercy.  Numbers 28 & 29 were right in line with what you expect from that OT book, but the Word came alive in Mark 8.

I've read a multitude of times, the passages where large multitudes of four and five thousand people were fed, but I caught something today that I needed to see.  When it was all said and done here in Chapter eight, Jesus doesn't say much about the event.  All we read is that there were leftovers.  Seven large baskets of broken pieces to be exact.  However, when he fed the five thousand, verse nineteen tells me that there were twelve baskets of broken pieces leftover.  Why does this detail of the leftovers really matter to the point the author would record it?  I think it speaks to God's character like it does in Exodus when He provided enough manna and quail daily.  The simple point I'm trying to make... There is always enough when He provides.  He never comes up short with His grace or mercy.  Jesus never partially healed someone.  Jesus never left a job half completed.  He never forgot to finish what He started.  He was always enough regardless of the size and scope of the issue or perceived problem. 

He finishes this conversation with the disciples in verse 21 with a cutting question that resonates in my soul. "Do you not yet understand?" Once again He's having to pose the question, "What else do I have to do for you to learn that I am who I say that I am?"  Peter didn't get the point at this moment either.  He got rebuked again later in the same chapter for not seeing Christ for who He said He was.  Korey, wake up and let God be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Stop allowing doubt, fear, worry and arrogance to cloud your understanding that the Spirit in you is enough.  The power of God's presence will today and always be enough. I really don't want to hear that question again from my Savior..."Do you not yet understand?" Korey, there will always be leftovers when I allow Him room to move

Father, I got nothing to offer today.  All I can say is, "thank You" for putting up with my lack of understanding and moments of belief.  I'm recognizing that I'm a "fixer" cause I don't trust You anymore than your own followers did.  Help me to see the leftovers.  Help me to love the leftovers.  Bring healing to my soul today.  I worship You for who You are and who I know You are going to continue to be.  I love you Father.


Marie said... @ April 2, 2012 at 11:26 AM

I somehow have been missing your posts. This is another great one - thanks for sharing.

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