A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

My Offering

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 9:34 AM
                                                                                                             February 20,2012

Today the Lord was pretty clear to me. He actually spoke to me through the book of Numbers. I'm guessing I may be in a minority of people that would say their lives have been touched by the book of Numbers. Nontheless, today a lengthy passage of scripture found in Numbers 7 grabbed my heart. More intrestingly it came on a day were Psalm 23 and Acts 27 were on my reading list. Go figure.

As I was reading about the detailed offerings of the differnt sons and leaders that were lifted up to God once Moses had completed the tabernacle, something struck me. The fact that these offerings were chronicled with such detail within this book told me that they matered. The detail of the account mattered, but to who? Who would care how many calfs, goats, lambs, rams, or oxen were sacrificed for these offerings? Then it hit me. The account and details don't really matter to me more than 2500 years later, but they mattered to God. There were five offerings referenced in this passage. There was the grain offering, burnt offering, sin offering, sacrifice of peace offering, and the dedication offering that were accounted for here. They mattered.

My application or question that I'm thinking about today is what offering of my mine has mattered lately. Have I ever really had an offering that mattered enough to document for my children's history or my grandchildren's? Have I given any real thought to my life as an offering? What do I have to give the would matter? Why would I offer it? Did God really care about the amount of shekels or silver bowls or gold pans that were given? Yes, I believe He did. They were above and beyond what was required of them to give unto the Lord. They were given sacrificially. Man that is hard for me to wrestle with today when I think about what I have sacrifically given to the Lord recently.

Father, I recognize today that I've simply done the required things in my giving, but I've fallen so short of the offernings in my life. Please forgive me for being so consentrated on the faithfulness of the requirments that I have failed to be open to the offerings of my life. Help me to be conscience of what I should be giving up to You for your glory. I want to further your Kingdom, not mine. Help me with my desire to acquire things that are so tempral and passing. I give you all the glory today. Father I love You.


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