A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

It's All About The Numbers

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 9:35 AM
                                                                                                                       February 22, 2012

The book of Numbers stole the show again today.  I would have sworn that Psalm 27 or Mark 1 would have captured my heart, but the Word came alive in Numbers 11 today.  I have always enjoyed exploring the actions and attitudes of the Isrealite people in the days following their departure out of Egypt.  I've gleaned from their stubborn hearts and have been amazed at their lack of faith in the presence of such visible markers displayed by our God.  Their desire to return to bondage and their lack of understanding of the Father's heart have garnered many hours of thought in my life. Today, however, the bold print came in Numbers 11:23.

Numbers 11:23 states, "The LORD said to Moses, "Is the LORD's power limited? Now you shall see whether My word will come true for you or not." Let's have a little context shall we.  Moses needs some assistance with the needs of the people as the burden is to great for him alone. So Moses is instructed to gather seventy Elders to assist him.  The Lord tells Moses that He will take the Spirit that is upon Moses and place that Spirit upon the Elders so that Moses will not carry this burden alone. Now as you study this passage you see that the main problem or burden at this point is that the people want some meat to eat instead of the manna. Once again I can identify with the whole meat thing.  Moses is bringing this complaint to the Lord, but he can't possibly see how 600,000 people that are on foot with him could find enough meat to eat.  But God sets the story straight by giving the people far more than they could ever imagine.

Is the LORD's power limited? What an amazing statement that I read when it comes to our doubt and struggle with His promises.  What do I, just like Moses, have to see for me to finally come to a place where the Lord is not posing this question to us? At this point Moses had seen possibly more visible and tangible displays of God's movement than anyone throughout history, yet he still questions God ability and power.  From the plagues to the pillar of fire at night and the cloud by day, to the Red Sea parting and the passover Angle, and even after his moments on Mount Sinai Moses still had to be reminded of God's power.  God has promised me that He shall supply all my needs according to His riches and Glory and yet I still pose the questions of God's power and ability to move in my life.  For some reason my flesh still believes that my burdens are greater than His power.  I still wrestle with why He would even care about my seemingly insignificant issues, yet he cared enough to bring meat to His people.  Meat... do you get it?  He cared about their food, I think He wants me to know He cares about my life.

Father, I'm so thankful that You care about the minuet details of your children's lives.  I'm thankful that You have promised to never leave me or forsake me.  I'm grateful that you hold me in the grip of your hand and promise that nothing can separate us.  I ask that You instill in my spirit a deep understanding of your power and presence.  Help me to have the wisdom to recognize your desire to be a personal and intimate God in the matters of my life, family, ministry, and friendships.  Father, I love You.


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