A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

Acceptance verses Approval

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 8:44 AM
                                                                                                                                      March 20, 2012

I'm struggling a bit today to understand how our church culture meshes with the biblical view of church culture.  I have always been a proponent of pursuing the "unlovable" within our community and allowing people that the culture has rejected to find a place to belong in the body of Christ.  I want people to find the message of Christ in a place that will allow them to grow as a new believer.  I want people regardless of race, ethnicity, social status, gender or age to find my church as a place that will welcome and accept them for who they are.  Those that know me would say that I have practiced that as much as I have preached that.

My struggle today rests in my reading of Joshua 7 and 8 and 1 Cor. 5.  The army of Israel was embarrassed by the people of Ai because of sin within the community of people that God called His own.  Thirty-six men lost their lives because of this sin in the camp of God's people.  God made it clear that Joshua must consecrate the people for the sin of Achan. The price was heavy for Achan and his family as the people of Israel stoned each of them and then burned their bodies.  This seemed to be necessary before the Lord turned from the fierceness of His anger toward His people.  I could chalk this up to the account being that of an Old Testament norm, but then I read Paul's words to the Corinthians. Paul asks the question in verse 12, "Do you not judge those who are within the church?" The verse following delivers the command, "Remove the wicked man from among yourselves." These statements come after Paul's illustration of leaven leavening the whole lump of dough.  He commands the Corinthians to clean out the old leaven so that they may have a new lump.

Now before anyone thinks I'm the Queen of Hearts in "Alice In Wonderland" calling the gaurds to be off with the heads of all those that seemingly don't meet the standards of my own shortcomings, I ask for a pause.  What if we were sensitive enough to the scripture to be honest about what we in the church have begun to approve of verses what we are acceptant of?  One has to remember that the people Joshua was leading and those Paul was speaking to were considered believers or followers.  They knew better you could say.  These were people making deliberate choices that went against what they knew was righteous (right) in the eyes of God.  These are not people seeking to know His forgivness or salvation.  Now that does beg the question, "At what point does the church become diligent with the imoral actions of those that know better?"  It's a fine line that should bring great tension to the leadership of our churches.  How do we sheparherd with wisdom and yet create a place that welcomes those that are seeking to know a forgiving Savior?  This is the difference between acceptance and approval.  Are we approving the disobediants of the Christ's people at the sake of creating accepting places for unbelievers to hear the words of Christ?  I'll answer that question as soon as I deal with the sin issues in my own life...

Father give me wisdom to understand my calling and my role as a leader in the life of Your church.  I want to lead with faithfulness and obediance.  I want to know that I'm moving daily toward the words, "Well done good and faithful servant."  Help me to see people through the eyes of Christ and lead with the mind of Christ as well.  Help me to be slow to judge but quick to understand my role in making discples for Your cause.  I love you Father.


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