A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

Justified By Faith

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 3:26 PM
                                                                                                                                            March 12, 2012

I get really frustrated with people in the church when they speak in Churchese.  You know what that is right?  It's those religious phrases or words that only make sense to religious people that want to sound intelligent to other religious people.  Churchese sounds like this, "I'm thankful for the sanctification, by the propitiation by the blood of the Lamb, that brings justification to a sinner like me." Ugg! However, I think I sometimes fail to really understand some of the deeper things of scripture because I avoid the terms that don't make their way into my every day vocabulary.  Things like sanctification and justification are foundational elements of my faith in Jesus Christ.  They are words that draw upon the depth and meaning of Christ's love for me.

Today in Galatians 3 I read verses 23 and 24 that stated, "But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith." At first I had to take another drink of my Mt. Dew to reread these two verses.  I wanted to just keep moving on, but I stopped to let this sink in.  Then it struck me, the law that I wrestle with so much is present for me as a teacher/tutor in order to bring me into a deeper understanding of my Christ.  Why is that important? So that this "justification" can change me from the inside out. Justification is the work of God where the righteousness (right ways) of Jesus is reckoned or brought over into the sinner (me) so that I am declared by God as being righteous (right) under the Law (Rom. 4:3; 5:1,9; Gal. 2:16; 3:11).  It is an attribute that implies that my actions are justified, and can have the connotation that I've been "judged" or "reckoned" as leading a life that is pleasing to God. Meaning I am are right with God.

Again, why is this important?  That sounds a lot like Chursese.  So what?  Why do I care?  Well, I care because I'm a sinful person. I'm a wreck at times.  And what this means to me is that I have been judged in the eyes of my God and I was found to be wanting.  Wanting in the fact that I could not redeem myself.  It is by my faith in who my Savior is and in what He has done to bring forgiveness to the broken places of my life that makes this understanding of justification truly matter.  My son Carter has Fragile X Syndrome and requires having a para or aid by his side each day at school.  He has this aid in his daily life to help him cope, focus, and stay on the tasks that are assigned him.  The aid doesn't force him to work, but he or she does guide him to accomplish his tasks.  Therein lies my understanding of the Law.  The Law is not to force me or demand my righteousness, but to guide me to it.  The Law brings me to a place of understanding of what Christ has done for me which in turn motivates me to want a deeper understanding of His presence in my life.

Lord, your work in my life continues to amaze me.  I'm humbled by your desire to use me and thankful for your faithfulness in my life.  Today I come before You seeking a deeper understanding of wisdom and discernment in my life.  I give you freedom to guide me and instruct me into the way of righteousness in my life.  I'm grateful for your saving work in my heart and mind.  Father I love You.


Unknown said... @ March 12, 2012 at 3:56 PM

Pretty Awesome. Love the churchese...

Korey Buchanek said... @ March 12, 2012 at 10:26 PM

Thanks Blog Creator. If you have a moment tell me how you found me.

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