A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

Awkward Moments

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 12:46 PM
                                                                                                                   March 4, 2012

I love looking at the awkward moments of scripture.  You've read them, the moments that make the air in the room seem tense even as you read them thousands of years later.  I found one today that I've never noticed before.  Two areas of scripture that I have managed to see as separate accounts I realized today were closer than I ever imagined.  Chapters 32 and 33 of Numbers had some great insights today, but Mark 10 was speaking loud and clear.

Mark 10:34 "They will mock Him and spit on Him and scourge Him and kill Him, and three days later He will rise again."  It's a verse that captures my imagination regarding the brutality and cruelty of what was about to happen to Jesus Christ.  As I read it I can see the images in my head.  It's a intimate moment with his disciples, right?  You would think every head would be bowed and every eye closed like an invitation in our churches on Sunday's as Jesus shares his deepest moment of emotion up to this point with His disciples.  And then you read verse 35. James and John open their months like they never heard a word Jesus just said.  In the midst of this intimate moment they pipe up and say, "Teacher we want You to do for us whatever we ask of You." Jesus is kind and gives them a voice and then they take the awkwardness to whole new level.  "Grant that we may sit, one on Your right and one on Your left, in Your glory." Classic! This would be in the top ten most awkward  moments of the disciples ministry to me. 

I'm thinking to myself how I would have in this moment been struggling to come to grips that Jesus was about to give up His life by the hands of the Roman guard. Thinking I would have sat quitely in disbelief. However, my actions tell me differently.  I think of how many moments the Spirit has moved and spoken clearly to me about my actions or lack there of. How He has called me to action and I sit in in my own selfishness and act as if I never heard a thing.  I think to myself that I've done enough up to this point to earn something special, right?  I've given you so much and I've followed so faithfully and put You first time and time again that now it's time I cash in.  I want what's mine.  Bless me now!  And then I read the words of Jesus when He asks, "Are you able to drink the cup that I drink?"  I pray that my response is not the same as theirs.

Lord keep my lips shut and keep my mind open to Your words and leading.  Help me to understand that my inheritance is not in the here and now.  Help me to move beyond my selfishness in order to hear You clearly.  I don't want my selfish ambitions to be seen as petty and vain in the life of my children as they watch their father.  I want them to see a man that is willing to go when You say go and do whatever it is You call me to do, no matter the cost and no matter the place.  I love you Father.


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