A Road Less Traveled

by Korey Buchanek

Where There Is No Vision The People....

Published by Korey Buchanek under on 11:11 AM
So this past couple of weeks my wife had eye surgery for a retinal detachment that had become pretty severe. She had begun to lose sight in her eye about six months ago in which she simply felt was due to the need for a new prescription for her glasses. Little did she know that her loss of sight was a signal by something much greater that was leading to long term blindness. This loss of sight left unattended would have taken her vision permanently. Fortunately after undergoing surgery to correct the problem her sight will return over the next week or so.

What grabs my attention in this matter is the reality that many of us on our spiritual journeys to know Christ have been losing sight for quite a while with very little concern in the matter. Don't get me wrong, we have been doing many good things. We have been working with children, we have fed the homeless, we have fellowshipped with other believers, we have shared our faith, and we have prayed for one another... we have done a lot of good things. Here in lies my problem. Many have begun to see their works as a greater end than the relationship with the One that created us to do the work. It's a matter of what we have perceived as true vision verses true relationship.

Scripture reveals many that had the potential to confuse the two. Moses got so wrapped up in the work of delivering God's chosen people to the Promise Land that he forgot what the power of a Devine God looked like and allowed his efforts to steal the day. Thus, struck a rock at great price and forgot to consult the one that gave him the vision of leading the people in the first place. David, stayed behind during a time of war and allowed his eye to be captured by a women bathing and lost sight of the God that gave him his wide spread influence. Losing his vision of the relationship he had with God led to great consequence and sin. Adam and Eve walked with the Lord in the cool of the morning, but lost their spiritual sight because of a desire that took God out of His rightful place in their lives. Elijah lost his sight because a woman with a power trip threatened his life after he called fire down from heaven to address the prophets of bail. Jonah, Jacob, Rachel... the list goes on.

Vision doesn't enable our service for God. Vision is not what replaces the voice of God. Vision is what draws us into a deeper understanding of who God is and His desires for our life. When Moses saw the burning bush he caught a glimpse into the character of God as a deliverer.  He didn't get the entire plan and blueprint of what God was calling him to do.  We have taken what we understand to be vision and made it our road map for action and methods. We tell people that vision is our plan and in the back of our minds we think our plan prevents the people from perishing. I think it's quite the contrary. Our vision is clearest when our sights are on the heart of God. I believe the clearer I see the character of my God the more understanding I have in His ways.

My wife had to lie in bed for seven days for her eye to heal. She had to lie still on her face for that length of time in order to regain her sight. It reminded me that sometimes we have to stay still long enough to abandon our own visions in order to gain His vision. I heard how the doctor cut away at the surface of her eye in order to burn the tears in her retina to bring healing. When my sight and vision is focused on Him is when I see that my dreams and my pride are burned away at the sight of a Holy God. Lord, give me my vision back....